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School Policies

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GCT Membership

Membership to the Greek Community of Toronto (GCT) is required in order to enroll your children in all programs offered by the GCT. The current membership fee is $100 per family.

Class Cancellation Policy

The Education Department of the Greek Community of Toronto will cancel classes due to severe weather conditions or other emergencies, in accordance with the decisions of the Toronto District School Board. We will endeavour to contact all parents by email and phone time permitted and also post announcements on our website.

Refund Policy & Discounts

1. If education fees are paid in full by September 30th, you will receive a 5% discount. 2. According to the policy of the GCT, all fees must be paid in full no later than October 31st. 3. Failure to do so will result in a $75 late payment administration fee per student. 4. If a student pulls out of any program by October 31st, they will receive 75% of their tuition fees back. 5. If a student pulls out of any program by December 15th, they will receive 50% of their tuition fees back. 6. There will be no refund for any student that pulls out of the program after December 15. 7. The membership fee is non-refundable.